If you have a website, you’ll already know how important it is to drive traffic back to it and convert your followers into potential clients/customers. Now, most social media platforms are great with driving people to another website to learn more about what you do… except for good ol’ Instagram.
Instagram only allows us to use ONE URL in our bio – so it’s pretty important that we make the most out of it by creating an intentional, high-converting Insta-Landing Page. Why? So that you can optimise your Instagram profile to work for you to boost your business in a whole new way!
There are several ways to create an Instagram Landing Page.
The first and easiest one is to use a third-party app like Linktree, which allows you to set up a simple IG landing page in minutes. It’s great for those who just want to get up and running asap– but it does come with some pros and cons.
As you can see, the cons do outweigh the pros.
Third-party solutions like Linktree are definitely a good way of starting out (I used it myself for quite a long time) – but if you want to take full advantage of that one URL that you’re allowed by Instagram, you MUST create your own Insta-only landing page directly on your website.
As mentioned above, because we’re only allowed to have one link on Instagram, you really should aim to get the most out of it by:
And so much more!
Basically, by creating a separate page on your website for your Insta, it opens up a whole world of possibilities to direct traffic to your best content, and to market your products or services.
It’s really up to you what info you want to put there. But I highly recommend that you think about the most important places on your website where you want to direct your traffic. Ask yourself, do you want people to:
If you answered “YES” to all of the above, that’s totally cool. The beauty of having your own Instagram landing page is that you have complete freedom of what to put on there.
If you’re still unsure, have a look at your website analytics to see what pages your visitors visit most. Are they aligned with your business goals? Or is there content that you want to push more?
As you can see, I’ve kept it pretty minimal with just a couple of buttons and a freebie download. However, I will be updating it soon to include our upcoming template shop and new services!
(Watch this space, friend!)
Okay, now you’ve seen some examples for inspiration, now it’s time to move to the next stage!
Okay, okay, I can hear you thinking: “That’s all great Gigi, but how the heck do I make a landing page?”
Well, my friend, it’s not as hard as you may think! Before I dive into the technicalities of how to design an awesome high-converting landing page on Squarespace or Showit – here are some basic rules that apply to whichever platform your website is built on:
Still with me? I hope so! Because now we’re going deep diving into the “How’s” of making your own!
Squarespace user? Here are some tips on how to create an Insta landing page for you:
.Header {display:none !important;}
.Footer {display:none !important;}
.sqs-announcement-bar-dropzone {display:none !important;}
3. Style it! Add buttons, text, newsletter sign up, etc. If you would like all your buttons to be the same width, paste this code into your CSS:
.sqs-block-button-element {
width: 132px;
4. Test it! Before you publish it to your site, make sure you test all the links and buttons to ensure everything is working correctly!
5. Market it! Time to spread the word! When you’re writing about that new blog post or your services, make sure to refer your insta followers to the “link in bio” for further info.
If your website is built on Showit, then here are some tips on how to build an Insta landing page:
And here you go, my friend!
With this, you should have all the tools and knowledge you need in order to build a kick-ass Instagram landing page that will help you drive more traffic to your website, and convert more followers into clients/customers!
So tell me, did you like this tutorial-style blog post? If you did, drop a comment below to share your thoughts, and let me know what you would like to learn next!
Until then,